Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC)
The Lee Canyon Ski Patrol hosts its own OEC course every year. With the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, the OEC class has moved to an online format with skill days throughout the year.
The live online course meets every Monday and Wednesday from October 26, 2020 to January 6, 2021 from 1800-2100hrs each night. However, you do not need to join us each night! The courses are all recorded and posted to our Google Classroom . You can join the OEC class anytime of year. To join the OEC class, go to https://classroom.google.com/c/MjE2ODcxOTg1NDEz?cjc=y62lkxn. In order to use and sign into the classroom, you must have a gmail account ending in @gmail.com. No other accounts will be allowed.
The in person skill sessions will be announced at a later date.
For more information, email leecanyonskipatrol@gmail.com.